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STi iTelemetry Interface, SPMTR1000
STi iTelemetry Interface, SPMTR1000
nur noch einmal auf Lager:
  nur noch einmal auf Lager
Artikelnummer: SPMTR1000
Preis: 79,90 €
[inkl. 19% MwSt zzgl. Versandkosten]


Key Features

  • Real-time telemetry in the palm of your hand
  • Works with iPhone®, iPod touch® and iPad® mobile digital devices
  • All your telemetry info in one display
  • Lets a buddy monitor telemetry while you fly
  • Alerts you when values exceed limits you define


STi™ (Spektrum™ Telemetry Interface) iTelemetry lets you transmit vital information from your model’s onboard Spektrum telemetry module to your iPhone®, iPad® or iPod touch® mobile digital device. It can also be programmed to alert you when any telemetry value you are monitoring exceeds limits you define. It’s a great way to let a flying buddy watch model functions for you, so you can focus more on flying and less on your transmitter display.

The STi unit is compatible with all DSM2®/DSMX® Spektrum and JR® transmitters, as long as the transmitter is bound to a telemetry module.


The steps to update the STi app to the newest version are the following:

1. In your main iPhone®/iPod touch®/iPad® mobile digital device screen, go to the App Store.
2. On the bottom, select the tab "Updates"
3. Scroll and click on Spektrum STi.
4. Click on update, located in the upper right corner

V3 updated features include:

• New interface
• New way to navigate through the app
• GPS support
• Map layout for GPS recorded data
• Share your recorded files through email with friends
• Open files recorded on DX18


RC Modelle sind kein Spielzeug. Für Kinder unter 14 Jahren nur unter Aufsicht Erwachsener geeignet.

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